FEAST! Local Foods SCOOP: February 2021


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FEBRUARY 2021  |  VOL. 3, NO. 8

Is it spring yet?

Does the recent warm weather have you thinking about your garden? At the least, it's much easier to spend time outdoors, and we hope you're enjoying it! 

Below you can read what's new with FEAST! vendors Infuzn Foods and O'Neill Family Farms, plus learn about a brand new conference for foodmakers. And, it's last call for the Online Marketplace feedback survey for a chance to win a gift bag full of local foods goodies!

—FEAST! Local Foods Network newsletter team 


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FEAST! Local Foods SCOOP: January 2021


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Got Local? | Eateries | Fresh & Tasty | Contest Fun! | Who's Fueling FEAST!?

JANUARY 2021  |  VOL. 3, NO. 7

Mid-winter delights

We hope this newsletter finds you well, and enjoying good food along with the other great winter pastimes—winter sports, baking season, paging through seed catalogs, or however else your passions take you. 

We're sharing some stories below to whet your appetites, as well as a contest of sorts! Follow the link to a very short feedback survey, and you'll have a chance to win a gift bag full of local foods goodies!

—FEAST! Local Foods Network newsletter team 


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Have you taken the Pledge?

We believe that local food is essential. 

It is essential to our local economy, to the health of our communities, and to the environment. 

Join the Local Food is Essential movement—

Take the Pledge!

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FEAST! Local Foods SCOOP: December 2020


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DECEMBER 2020  |  VOL. 3, NO. 6

Wishing you safe, healthy and happy holiday celebrations!

May they be full of local foods grown and made by farmers and makers from around our region, when possible! 

—FEAST! Local Foods Network newsletter team 


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Curbside Pickup Instructions for Dec. 6, 2020

Thank you for ordering from FEAST! Local Food Marketplace online!  Pickup will be Sunday, December 6th  at Graham Park between the hours of 11 am – 2 pm. 

Please follow the yellow signs to our pick up location within Graham Park.  We are at building 43, the Miracle of Birth Center, accessible from 16th Street. 

Graham Park
The Miracle of Birth Center (Bldg 43)
43 Arena Dr SE 
Rochester, MN 55902 


To help speed up the pickup process:

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Enter to win!
How well do you know the FEAST! Online Marketplace food businesses? Find more about each of them from the Foodmaker Directory on the FEAST! website, and submit your limerick solution for a chance at a $10 gift certificate for product at the FEAST! store*!

*Place your order by midnight on Wednesday, Dec. 2. Submissions after Tuesday, Dec. 1 may not be considered, but we still welcome you to play!
Curbside pickup is Sunday, Dec. 6, 11am-2pm, Graham Park, Rochester, MN.

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FEAST! Local Foods SCOOP: October 2020


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Got Local? | Eateries | Fresh & Tasty | Contest Fun! | Who's Fueling FEAST!?

OCTOBER 2020  |  VOL. 3, NO. 4

FEAST Season!

The FEAST! Local Foods Magazine is out—have you snatched a copy yet? Scroll down for the sneak peek, and keep your eyes out for the digital release, coming soon!

This year's hybrid FEAST! Local Foods Marketplace is taking shape, with 40+ local food vendors on board, and sales opening Nov. 8 for pickup Sunday, Dec. 6, at the Graham Park Fairgrounds. Read on for profiles on two of the vendors you'll find in this year's event, and other ways you can enjoy supporting local.

—FEAST! Local Foods Network newsletter team 


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FEAST! Local Foods SCOOP: September 2020


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Got Local? | Eateries | Fresh & Tasty | Contest Fun! | Who's Fueling FEAST!?

SEPTEMBER 2020  |  VOL. 3, NO. 3

FALL is here—and all that that implies

Cool nights and falling leaves. Gardens giving out their last glory. And of course, the election. But in the Midwest, with the inevitable cold on the way, it's a time to appreciate those good weather days along with the autumn beauty.  

The FEAST! Local Foods Magazine is taking shape, and we're looking forward to its October release! We're also signing up vendors to participate in this year's hybrid FEAST! Local Foods Marketplace, which will open with online sales in November, and culminate on Sunday, December 6th, at the Graham Park Fairgrounds. Read on for all the news...

—FEAST! Local Foods Network newsletter team 


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FEAST! Local Foods SCOOP: August 2020


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Got Local? | Eateries | Fresh & Tasty | Contest Fun! | Who's Fueling FEAST!?

AUGUST 2020  |  VOL. 3, NO. 2

Announcing: FEAST!—the COVID-era version

We've all experienced fewer opportunities to gather together this year. We've also seen that with planning and precautions, things designated as "essential" have remained, though in a limited way. That has worked for farmers' markets, and for grocery stores. We believe that Local Food Is Essential—and are a part of that groundswell campaign (learn more below). 

And so, to support FEAST! connections this year as we have for six years running, we're working on a plan for a modified FEAST! Local Foods Marketplace, on Sunday, December 6th, at the Graham Park Fairgrounds. Read on for all the news...

—FEAST! Local Foods Network newsletter team 


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FEAST! Local Foods SCOOP: July 2020


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Got Local? | Eateries | Fresh & Tasty | Contest Fun! | Who's Fueling FEAST!?

JULY 2020  |  VOL. 3, NO. 1

Celebrating the harvest

We need to celebrate all of the good things going on this year, more than ever, and plucking those ripe veggies from the garden is definitely one of those good things!

Check out some great farm-y news below, like vineyard happenings at Cannon River Winery, a combined farm+restaurant+bakery+nonprofit venture in St Joseph, MN, and a farm in Long Prairie, MN working on the wholesale side of things. Also meet a new leader at Grow North, and get the latest contest news!

—FEAST! Local Foods Network newsletter team 


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