

Healthy Living


DIY Workshops

 Location: Auditorium

Presented by Lisa Dierks, Dietitian, Nutrition Manager of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program


10-4: “Ask the Mayo Clinic dietitian” at the Mayo Clinic booth

Mayo Clinic dietitians will be available throughout the festival to answer your food and nutrition questions.


11 a.m.: Healthy eating at home

Build your plan on how to successfully serve a healthy diet at home.  Learn techniques to make quick, easy meals


Noon: Strategies for shopping at a Farmer’s Market

Choices abound at the Farmer’s Market!  Learn ways to navigate the market, be creative with the options available and use market produce as a starting point to guide your weekly meal plan.


1 p.m.: Holiday meals:  Can they really be healthy?

Discover ways to make simple swaps in your holiday menus that will leave you satisfied, not stuffed.




2015 Workshop lineup here!


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