If you are a farmer or foodmaker looking to connect with wholesale buyers and the general public, please click here for our exhibitors application. Restaurants and retailers, read on!
We are opening up 10 new spots at the Feast Local Foods Marketplace for businesses that prominently feature local foods on their shelves or menus. These booths with be "sample and showcase only", which means you can sample products and tell your story, but you won't be able to sell products at the event.
If you would like to be part of this exciting, new opportunity, please complete the application: CLICK HERE!
If you are accepted, the cost to exhibit will be based on the size of your business:
• Tier 1: $150 for businesses with 5 employees or less; or make less than $500K gross annual sales
• Tier 2: $300 for business with more than 5 employees; or make more than $500K gross annual sales
Please note, applying does not guarantee acceptance as an exhibitor. All applications will be processed by a group of professionals involved in the food industry. (Cost of electricity is not included.) Feast will accept applications until the exhibit is full. All answers will be kept confidential. Filling out this application form does not guarantee acceptance as an exhibitor.
Payment in full is due at time of application. If your application is not accepted, your payment will be refunded in full. Please see the following guidelines about cancellations.
Cancellation by either party shall be in writing. Should FEAST cancel the Show, the Exhibitor shall receive a refund of all fees actually paid by Exhibitor to FEAST. Should Exhibitor cancel its reservation, the FEAST shall receive the refund as outlined below:
• Cancellation prior to October 31, 2015 receive 50% of the total fees paid.
• Fees are non-refundable for cancellation on or after November 1, 2015.
Companies and products are reviewed by our team and based on responses to the application questions. Preference is given to companies who are sourcing locally.
If you are a beer,wine or spirit business who would like to exhibit at Feast 2015, please contact Devon at [email protected].
Please click on the following link to purchase electricity for Feast! 2015 (no need for a booth number): http://services.mayociviccenter.com/coe/coe_p1_all.aspx?oc=10&cc=COESOP1
Or pay by phone by calling the Mayo Civic Center at 507-328-2220, M – F, 8 – 5pm.
If you have questions regarding becoming an exhibitor at Feast, please contact Eli at [email protected] or by calling (507) 353-0407.