"I'm planning to attend again. I'm delighted with the concept and the target that Feast is trying to create." ~ Feast 2014 Exhibitor
The application period for exhibitors has closed.
If you would like to exhibit at Feast! 2015, please email us to check availability.
• Restaurants and Retailers Booths Available: click here. • Support Services and Technical Assistance Providers: click here.
To be an exhibitor at the 2015 Feast Local Foods Marketplace is a unique opportunity to meet with buyers, network with peers and get your product into the hands of the general public. We listened to all the feedback we had from exhibitors in 2014 and have made changes and adjustments to make this a top event for local products in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin.
If you are accepted, the cost to exhibit is the same whether exhibiting one or two days.
• Tier 1: $150* for businesses with 5 employees or less; or make less than $500K gross annual sales
• Tier 2: $300* for business with more than 5 employees; or make more than $500K gross annual sales
Please note, applying does not guarantee acceptance as an exhibitor. All applications will be processed by a group of professionals involved in the food industry. (Cost of electricity is not included.)
Payment in full is due at time of application. If your application is not accepted, your payment will be refunded in full. Please see the following guidelines about cancellations.
Cancellation by either party shall be in writing. Should FEAST cancel the Show, the Exhibitor shall receive a refund of all fees actually paid by Exhibitor to FEAST. Should Exhibitor cancel its reservation, the FEAST shall receive the refund as outlined below:
· Cancellation prior to October 31, 2015 receive 50% of the total fees paid.
· Fees are non-refundable for cancellation on or after November 1, 2015.
Companies and products are reviewed by our team and based on responses to the application questions. Preference is given to companies who are sourcing locally.
Any licensed business (either in MN or in another state), will need to have a Special Event license (a type of Retail Mobile Food Handler's license) in order to SELL products at the public event. If they are strictly SAMPLING, a license is not required. The average cost is $77.
If you are a beer,wine or spirit business who would like to exhibit at Feast 2015, please contact Eli at [email protected].
Please click on the following link to purchase electricity for Feast! 2015 (no need for a booth number): http://services.mayociviccenter.com/coe/coe_p1_all.aspx?oc=10&cc=COESOP1
Or pay by phone by calling the Mayo Civic Center at 507-328-2220, M – F, 8 – 5pm.
Technical Assistance / Support Service Providers
If you have questions regarding becoming an exhibitor at Feast, please contact Eli at [email protected] or by calling (507) 353-0407.